Stevie Ray Vaughan Statue-Austin, TXYesterday, I wrote about the benefits of mindfulness.  Today, I want you to practice mindfulness with music!

Mindfulness, which is most simply defined as being in the moment, is often associated with mindfulness meditation.  Meditation can be a part of mindfulness, but there are other ways to practice mindfulness.

Today, I want you to select a favorite song and listen to it, beginning to end.  Give it your full attention.  It might work best if you sit with your eyes shut.  Notice the rhythm and different instruments.  Make note of the thoughts and emotions you experience while listening to the song.

That’s it–easy!

Don’t forget–if you’re working through the Daily Shoring 90 Day Series, this is your last week!  If you want to repeat the series, leave a comment and let me know.

Do you have suggestions you can share on how to practice mindfulness?